Red Sprite Winterberry

“Some have smaller berries, but the Red Sprite has a nice large, red berry. The plant is also useful in landscapes because it only gets to be four feet tall. It’s a more compact winterberry.”


A Note About Male Winterberry 

“A lot of people aren’t aware of this, but you need at least one male winterberry to pollinate female plants. The male doesn’t have berries but it supplies the pollen that bees transfer to the female winterberry, like Red Sprite. One male can provide pollen for up to four to five female plants.”

Sunsplash Winterberry

“These are really striking in spring and early summer in the sense that you notice the gold leaf variegation.”


Sparkleberry Winterberry

“These get around six to seven feet. The berries are smaller but there are lots of them. Birds love them!”


Reasons to Love Winterberry

“There are no insect or disease problems with winterberry. They are very low maintenance. You don’t need to spray them or anything. Around September 1 the berries turn red and stay on there until sometime in January. That’s another good thing because birds use them as a winter food source. Bluebirds, robins and cedar waxwings all love winterberry.”