The Sourwood is a small, native tree with leaves that turn red in the Fall! Look at this AMAZING transformation! BEFORE AFTER
The Sourwood is a small, native tree with leaves that turn red in the Fall! Look at this AMAZING transformation! BEFORE AFTER
EPISODE ONE 9/25/14 A frequent question we get in the Fall when the weather begins to get colder is, "Can I still plant anything?" Joyce explains! This video was made pre-editing software, but we still felt you'd want to see it!)
Here's Kathy dividing Daylilies! The beginning of Fall is one of the times of year where certain plants become "pot bound," or overgrow their original pot. To keep them healthy and avoid drying up, we step these plants up to a bigger pot!
Joyce's garden! Featured: Halo Cherry Red (Vinca Pacifica) Butterfly (Argyranthemum) Caribbean Crush (Nasturtium)
When you picture a bright, beautiful rainbow of colors in your garden, what season do you envision? Summer? Well, Summer is not alone! A lot of plants ONLY bloom in fall! Here's a few: Sourwood Tree Small native tree that turns bright red in the fall! Sweet Autumn Clematis Vine Blooms only in the fall! Very [...]
We are getting OVERWHELMED with Geranium entries. They're all so stunning and breathtaking, the photos amaze us each time. It's going to be so difficult to choose winners, but tomorrow the grand prize winners will be announced! Here are some new entries:
It's Week 12 and the Mums are looking BEAUTIFUL!
Check us out at the Woodstock Fair! We have displays set up through Monday! We have a great display at the entrance of the Agricultural Building, as well as a display at the Horse Show around the gazebo. We also worked with the Northeastern District Department of Health to create a Lyme Disease Prevention Exhibit, which [...]