Daylilies are beginning to bloom! We'll let the photographs speak for themselves! Okay, well we just want to say this: You won't find this many Daylilies anywhere else!
Daylilies are beginning to bloom! We'll let the photographs speak for themselves! Okay, well we just want to say this: You won't find this many Daylilies anywhere else!
We had a lot of new outdoor decor shipped in! Check out some of our pottery: And there IS a lot! We also have a lot of unique, beautiful bird baths available: Oh, and they also double as water dishes for your dog, apparently!
Our fresh, new crop of perennial flowers is now ready! Here's a sample: Golden Zebra Heucherella Caramel Coral Bells Caradonna Salvia Eveline Veronica Bonfire Euphorbia New Dimension Salvia Little Goldstar Rudbeckia Amber Moon Astilbe Full Moon Coreopsis Sugar Plum Digitalis Happy Days Perennial Sunflower Summer Sun False Sunflower Lime Marmalade Coral Bells Sweet Tea [...]
We have a great selection of hanging baskets right now! One might even say amazing! They are colorful, bright, beautiful and one might even say voluptuous! No really - a customer said this! We have to agree with that, but come and see these hanging baskets for yourself and maybe you can add a descriptor to [...]
We have a great selection of Redbuds that may be hard to find elsewhere! Here are some varieties: The Rising Sun Redbud New introduction! A brilliantly colored selection of Eastern Redbud! During the Spring, they have a foliage of apricot-orange, maturing to yellow and then speckled lime green in the summer! Rosy orchid flowers in April! They [...]
1. Fertilize regularly. Container soils are well-drained and usually are "soiless," containing no actual soil from the ground. They will need aded nutrition for the plants to stay green and flowering. 2. If using water-soluble fertilizer only, use the rate given on the package. Most container plants can be fertilized with a heavier rate twice a week, or [...]
If you have planted a tree or shrub this spring or summer, we have some watering tips to help it grow and thrive! 1. Think "deep watering" when you water your tree or shrub! Hand watering with a hose or watering can works well for smaller plants like annual or perennial flowers, but trees and shrubs have deeper root [...]
In case you forgot that Father's Day is June 15th (don't worry - we won't tell him!) we have come up with some great gift ideas! Fruit trees Shade trees Fruit bushes (blueberry, rasberry, blackberry, grapevines, black rasberry, strawberry) Flowering trees and shrubs And of course, a gift card always works! Bartlett Pear Tree Bristol Black [...]
The Double Knockout Oso Easy Paprika The Sunshine Knockout