"This is one of our most popular tropical plants. It's so bright and showy! It will bloom and bloom until it frosts. People just love them." - Joyce Larson
"This is one of our most popular tropical plants. It's so bright and showy! It will bloom and bloom until it frosts. People just love them." - Joyce Larson
This compact tropical plant is covered in double blooms! If the unique look of this dwarf gardenia isn't enough to start a conversation, these "cute as a button" plants have something else up their leaves. The two inch white flowers offer a super sweet and strong fragrance that screams sunshine and summer.
Briotii Red Horsechestnut Crimson Cloud Hawthorn Rising Sun Redbud
This is the hardiest and pinkest of all cherry trees. Blooming in mid-April, this "double pink" cherry tree rapidly grows to 30 to 40 feet, the blossoms growing in large, vibrant clusters made up of around five flowers. Easy to grow and beautiful, the Kwanzan Flowering Cherry is sure to inspire and improve any landscape.
Hibiscus are not only known for their large, bright flowers, but for their many practical uses. These beautiful flowers come in a variety of colors, including yellow, white and pink. But red is the most popular, not for its bold looks but for the things this amazing plant can do, from medical remedies and use in different [...]
Spring is here! The sun is out, the grass is green, the sky is blue, the weather is warm and - best of all - flowers are blooming! It's about time, we say. With spring weather here to stay, gardening and landscaping is on a lot of people's minds. It's the perfect time to decorate your [...]