It's beginning to feel a lot like spring! If the weather isn't proof enough, here's a photo to prove it! Unloading a truck full of new arrivals! Come check them out!
It's beginning to feel a lot like spring! If the weather isn't proof enough, here's a photo to prove it! Unloading a truck full of new arrivals! Come check them out!
Our hair may have changed, our love of plants hasn't!
We are busy planting in the greenhouses, spreading a fresh layer of wood chips on the nursery and bringing out trees, shrubs and perennials out of hibernation! Our last two empty greenhouses are being disinfected and having their new propane furnaces installed so they'll be ready for plants. Today and tomorrow we are transplanting marigolds, vinca, [...]
Spring may be slow in coming, but we know it's close since pansies are blooming! We're so thankful that their colorful little faces are waiting to cheer us up upon opening the greenhouse doors after a long trudge through the stubborn snow and chilly air. If you're feeling weighed down by this drawn out winter, just take [...]