Briotii Red Horsechestnut Crimson Cloud Hawthorn Rising Sun Redbud
Briotii Red Horsechestnut Crimson Cloud Hawthorn Rising Sun Redbud
This is the hardiest and pinkest of all cherry trees. Blooming in mid-April, this "double pink" cherry tree rapidly grows to 30 to 40 feet, the blossoms growing in large, vibrant clusters made up of around five flowers. Easy to grow and beautiful, the Kwanzan Flowering Cherry is sure to inspire and improve any landscape.
It's mid-May, that time of the year when lilacs bloom in full force, their vibrant colors and fragrance making them the focal point of any garden or landscape. We have a large variety of lilacs, from the re-blooming Bloomerang to French lilacs in delicious colors of lavender, red-purple and lilac. The classic lilac belongs in everyone's [...]
Hibiscus are not only known for their large, bright flowers, but for their many practical uses. These beautiful flowers come in a variety of colors, including yellow, white and pink. But red is the most popular, not for its bold looks but for the things this amazing plant can do, from medical remedies and use in different [...]
Spring is here! The sun is out, the grass is green, the sky is blue, the weather is warm and - best of all - flowers are blooming! It's about time, we say. With spring weather here to stay, gardening and landscaping is on a lot of people's minds. It's the perfect time to decorate your [...]
Despite a soft drizzle, Woodstock Elementary School kindergarten students had a blast on their tour of Sprucedale Gardens Nursery on Monday, May 2. Five classes were taken on a tour of the businesses’ greenhouses and over-wintering houses, learning how Sprucedale and other nurseries grow their plants and store them during the winter. Children often enjoy the [...]
We have a wide variety of delicious, fragrant herbs! All herbs have a unique set of uses, whether it be for a recipe, decoration or medicinal. Luckily, we have an herb for every occasion. It's hard to pick just one! Golden Oregano Mint (Verigated Pineapple) Lime Basil Red Rubin Basil Cilantro Mother of Thyme