PERENNIALS: BUY 3, GET 4TH ONE FREE!! Tuesday, August 4th - Saturday, August 15
PERENNIALS: BUY 3, GET 4TH ONE FREE!! Tuesday, August 4th - Saturday, August 15
The mums are getting HUGE! They have more than doubled in size, pouring out the sides of their baskets. In only a few months these mums will be fully bloomed, bursting with color. Here's a photo of the mums taken when they were two weeks old, just to refresh your memory!
We have a LOT of tomato plants that need a home! In celebration of the popularity of the tomato - often called "America's favorite edible plant" - here are some fun facts about the vegetable from Garden Center magazine. The word "tomato" was first seen in English in 1604, appearing in "The Naturall and Morall Historie [...]
Our baby mums have doubled in size! The little "spaghetti tubes" you see here provide them with a mixture of fertilizer and water. Our first mums will blooming in late August.
We have a super selection of the newest varieties of hydrangea! Extend the color in your garden by checking out our nursery this week!
I followed Paul as he went to check on his honeybees this morning. Like Sprucedale Gardens on Facebook to see him in action! A video will be coming soon!
It's that time of year again! We've planted well over 1,000 mums earlier this week and will now be impatiently awaiting their progress. Soon they'll be boasting beautiful flowers, brilliant colors and will be spilling from these containers. But for now, these newly planted mums are just a tiny patch of green. Make sure to check [...]
Butterfly Bush "I've always loved butterflies and these really do attract them! They're so unique. It will be blooming pretty soon." Japanese Willow "This is a unique plant as well. I like it in shrub form, but the tree is also unique. I love the color. It starts to get some bright pink to it. I'll [...]
Mountain Laurel When many other flowers have gone away for the season, Mountain Laurel adds some bright, summer colors to your garden. The fragrant, dainty pink and white evergreen shrub is the Connecticut State flower, native to the Eastern United States. It was first documented in 1624, a favorite of travelers. Cherokees use the plant as an analgesic [...]